Sunday, November 23, 2008

SPEAKING ITEM (First draft) - Aurora Mariscal.

Level: Beginners (ESL learners).

Role Pay: Work in pairs. Make a dialog using the information given. Follow the boxes. **See Note below.

Situation: Two friends meet after school on Friday afternoon. They start to talk about the

Student A
Student B

Invite B to go to the beach this weekend

Politely refuse A’s invitation

Suggest going to the mountains instead


Suggest using B’s car (give a reason)

Refuse using your car (give a reason)

Suggest going by train

Agree, but say you don’t have money

Offer to pay both tickets

Accept and thank your partner

Note: A sheet of paper is going to be given to each student......


Dalexv said...

I like your item is really authentic; however, I think instructions shoud give more insights to student B. Just in case, student A doesn't know how to start or he/she simply panics, even if you are giving a piece of paper to them. How can we control the kind of vocabulary or grammar structure they may use?

yolimar gonzalez said...

I agree with alex but I feel that you are also assesning writing since they have to create dialog, and I think they are going to do it on their notebooks as the script