Tuesday, November 18, 2008

LISTENING (First draft) - Aurora Mariscal

LEVEL: ESL Pre-Intermediate learners.

This is part of a VOA (Voice of America) radio report which is dedicated to the current situation the Hollywood film industry is facing in USA. Listen carefully and do the activities bellow.


Activity: Choose the option that fits the best with the statement.

1. What happened this year at the Academy Awards that had not happened since 1964?

All the winners for best acting were from:

a. the south of United States

b. outside the United States

c. the north of United States

2. Tilda Swinton won:

a. supporting actress

b. leading actress

c. best actress

3. Hollywood has:

a. developed new film industries

b. lost market share in some places

c. won fifty percent of the market

4. People are now getting their movies through:

a. DVDs

b. the Internet

c. the TV cable


This year, something happened at the Academy Awards that had not happened since nineteen sixty-four. All the winners for best acting were from outside the United States.

Daniel Day-Lewis and Tilda Swinton are British. He won best actor for "There Will Be Blood"; she won best supporting actress for "Michael Clayton." French actress Marion Cotillard won the Oscar for best actress for "La Vie en Rose." And Spain's Javier Bardem won best supporting actor in "No Country for Old Men."

Hollywood is increasingly looking outside America's borders for stars and profit. Jonathan Taplin is a professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California. He says that today, about fifty-four percent of the ticket sales for Hollywood studios now come from outside the United States.

Hollywood has lost market share in some places as other countries develop their own film industries. For example, in the mid-eighties, American films had eighty percent of the market in South Korea. Today that share is about forty percent.

Hollywood also faces competition from illegally copied movies, a major issue to the Motion Picture Association of America. The trade group estimated more than eighteen billion dollars in worldwide losses from piracy in two thousand five.

Hollywood reporter Alan Silverman says piracy has influenced how American movies are released. In the past, Hollywood studios waited months after the American release of a film to release it in foreign markets. Now, many aim to release films at the same time around the world.

Foreign markets may also influence how people get their movies. Different nations have different levels of technology. Efforts to settle on the next-generation DVD got a lot of attention recently.

Yet DVD sales have dropped in recent years. This may be a sign that people are increasingly getting their movies off the Internet. The Internet is another front in Hollywood's war on piracy. But more than that, it presents complex business questions for an industry now built mostly on DVD and ticket sales.

And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter. I'm Steve Ember.

1 comment:

Dalexv said...

I think your item is quite clear and contextualization is given. However, why not more or other listening comprehension items? That is, the text is quite long, you could take more advantange of it. And check listening comprehension with other items, this way you reduce the guessing factor or multiple choice or you aid other student with different items.