Sunday, December 7, 2008

Belkis-Writing item

Belkis – Writing item, I guess

The objective of this exercise is more a preparation for a summary than a writing item in itself. This is the third question of the 1er Parcial – Inglés I test (I´m using the Newsweek article, First Prize for Weird)
Question 3 – Read again paragraph #5 and summarize aerogel’s physical and chemical properties using images (drawings).
Paragraph #5
Together, these ingredients can form a structure that chemically resembles glass but is so full of whorls and crevices that one cubic centimeter has a total surface area equal to a football field's. The lightest-weight solid in the world, aerogel weighs 1.2 milligrams per cubic centimeter—barely more than the air molecules around it. In fact, the material itself is almost entirely made of air, like a sponge that consists mostly of holes. Don't let its lightness fool you: it's strong. NASA photos show two grams of the material easily supporting a 2.5-kilogram brick.
Usually, when students face this type of reading, they tend to copy all the information because they see all details as relevant. This way, I argue, they are “forced” to use their imagination and be less constrained by language through the use of images. However, reluctance is always an issue. In the case of this paragraph, they have to “describe” 3 physical properties (maybe, I should include the number of properties in the instructions): chemical structure, weight and strength.

Comments are welcomed,


Anonymous said...

This is a reading comprehension item and not writing!

yolimar gonzalez said...
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yolimar gonzalez said...

agree with Aisha, and what it is the context, the aim, your audience?.

Remeber that this item has to be contextualixed and they have to be meaningful for our students, and of course examples of the real life situations (authenticity according tno Brown)

Dalexv said...

What features make this task a writing item, I mean is it a summary or a reading comprehension text?
I think your lay-out needs some revising my friend. Since I do not understand what the instructions are and the task is.