Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reading Item (Second Draft)

Level: Pre- intermediate
Aim:   To read for detail and understand specific information

Read the text and choose the correct answer. Support your answer with evidence, that is to say, say why the statement is right or wrong.

                                  Money Savers That Work!

You've decided not to go on the round-the world tour you planned for this summer and you haven't bought tickets for every opera performance this year. Congratulations, you have saved quite a
 lot! However, if you are just an ordinary person who can't even think of expenses like that, you have to find other ways to
 save money.

To save money most of us have to try to spend smaller amounts of money on things we buy everyday and on services (telephone, cell phones, internet, etc.) every month. The hard part is to find ways to spend less money that won't change your life completely. The list below has some ideas about how to save money that really work. Here are ten money savers that won't change your life but they will change your bank account!

1. Slow down! A car going 40 mph uses 15% less gas than one going 50 mph.
2. Don't drive; walk or ride a bike. You'll save gas (and it's better for your health!).
3. Don't buy more than what is on your shopping list. If your daughter needs new shoes, 
don't buy that nice dress that matches them (even if it's on sale).
4. Think twice before you get a cell phone with a two-year plan. You may get a cool phone and the plan may sound good, but in the second year you will probably be able to get a better price somewhere else.
5. Put all your change in a box and save it for your summer vacation.
6. Wash clothes in warm water, not hot. You will use 50% less energy and save money.
7. Make your own iced tea. You can give it extra flavor by adding fruit juice.
8. Stop extra phone services: three-way calling and call-waiting can add $10 a month to your bill.
9. Eat breakfast at home. Almost anything you eat will be cheaper (and healthier) than fast food.
10. Don't buy that new CD or that new pair of shoes that you like so much (if you really don't ned them).


1. Most people can save money if they cut one or two large expenses. 
. Right
. Wrong
. Doesn't say

2. The list shows how you can save money and change your life.  
. Right 
. Wrong
. Doesn't say

3. When you drive at 50 mph, you use 15% more gas than when you drive at 40 mph.   
. Right
. Wrong
. Doesn't say

4. If something is on sale but it's not on your list, you shouldn't buy it.  
. Right
. Wrong
. Doesn't say

5. You can save money if you eat fast food for breakfast.      
. Right
. Wrong
. Doesn't say



R Cardozo said...


Congrats! you are the first to post your item!

Two comments. First, to determine validity, it is necessary to know what exactly in reading you want to assess; that is, what reading strategy or aspect of comprehension. Please, make it explicit.

Then, the format T/F has the guessing factor as a weakness. Try to reduce it by giving a third option or asking for explanations, etc. To assist you, I'll be sending a copy of a list of formats: strengths/weaknesses.

Nice try!

Nahir said...

Hi Aisha,

It seems this topic (saving) is following me everywhere....I wonder if life is trying to tell me something ;-D

I liked the text, appealing and helpful with backwash effect. It doesn’t say the level of the intended audience so I can’t say anything about validity.

Instructions may be completed by adding: " to the sentences after the text."

As there is a list in the text, it would be a good idea to make it clear that the questions learners have to answer are located after # 10

Well done!

Alexander Salazar said...

The topic you chose for the item is very interesting, but the instruction for the exercise should heve been placed after the reading.